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Dental implants are titanium artificial tooth roots placed in the jawbone to restore the function and aesthetics of lost teeth and provide oral rehabilitation.

Implant planning and prosthesis application can be made in accordance with many treatment options, from a single missing tooth to complete jaw edentulism. A single porcelain or zirconium crown can be placed on the implants or partial or full palatal prostheses can be applied.

Today, a wide variety of bone augmentation methods are used. These can be in the form of bone powder, artificial bone in the form of blocks or pieces, or bone supplements can be made with bones taken from the patient's own body.

There is no such thing as an expiration date for dental implants. As a general rule, the healthier your natural teeth, the better your oral hygiene and oral health, the longer your implants will stay in your mouth. In case of insufficient oral hygiene, the life of your implants will be shorter than expected.

First of all, a panoramic x-ray and, if necessary, a 3D image (Tomography) should be taken and it should be decided whether your bone is suitable for the implant. Afterwards, the most appropriate prosthetic planning can be made for you and the implants can be placed into the bone.

If there is no problem with your bone level, the implant crown or prosthesis can be made 2 months after the implants are placed. Its construction also takes an average of 1 week.

On the day the implant is placed in the bone, you should apply ice compresses as described, take the prescribed medications regularly and avoid excessive smoking.

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