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Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Dentopol is in Germany!

As DENTOPOL ORAL AND DENTAL HEALTH GROUP, we have been providing accessible, hygienic and reliable healthcare services with our expert physician staff and fully equipped hospitals in Oral and Dental Health in many parts of Turkey and Europe for nearly 30 years. We offer service to all our patients with sterilization quality at international standards and qualified human resources, using the most modern diagnostic and diagnostic devices.

Click here for detailed information and appointment.



Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı


We carry out preliminary examinations at our institution's branch in Frankfurt-Hanau with our expert physician staff coming from Istanbul on certain days every month. During these examinations, we create special treatment plans for our patients and answer all their questions about their oral and dental health. When you come to our clinic, your intraoral x-ray is taken with a fully equipped panoramic x-ray device and a detailed and alternative treatment plan is created. We direct you to our branches in Istanbul so that you can carry out the treatment plans created specifically for you by our physicians. Even if your treatment is performed in Istanbul, you can have the opportunity to have the pre- and post-treatment stages of your treatment checked by your physician by coming to the preliminary examinations we conduct every month in our Hanau branch. In this way, you can access the treatment you need and have a healthy and beautiful smile in a short time.

We plan to open our Frankfurt Hanau branch soon. For this reason, until the opening date, we provide the treatment of our patients who come to our Hanau branch for examination in our branches in Istanbul. In this process, all necessary organizations, transfer processes, flight and hotel reservations are provided by our International Department. In order to serve you better in this process, we also offer translation support in five languages.

We prove that we support our patients in every process with the superior quality and privileged service approach we provide!

As the DENTOPOL family, we are taking healthy steps towards the future by spreading to many parts of Turkey and Europe in a short time with our unchanging principles in the field of health. We provide corporate service to both our citizens and international patients under the DENTOPOL brand in our branches in Maltepe, Ümraniye and Germany.

For this purpose, we aim to bring you together with Dental Experts at DENTOPOL. You can always reach us at the contact numbers below to get detailed information about the inspections and their dates at our Frankfurt Hanau branch.

Click here for detailed information and appointment.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Dentopol Oral and Dental Health Center
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Dentopol Oral and Dental Health Center
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