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First of all, X-rays should be taken and a good examination should be done and the dentist should be convinced that there is no dental problem. In inflammation of the sinus cavities located in the upper jaw bone (Sinusitis), our patients may experience pain like toothache. In this case, your Dentist should refer you to an ENT Specialist for diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis

Yes, it interferes. First of all, you should be examined by an ENT specialist, if there is no problem in your ear as a result of the examination, especially toothaches in the lower jaw are reflected in the ear on that side and appear as ear pain. The relief of your earache will be realized with your dental treatment.

Pits, which we call abrasions on the teeth near the root, occur for two reasons. Either from brushing hard or from grinding your teeth at night during sleep. You should give up hard brushing and switch to a soft brush. If you grind your teeth at night, most of the time our patients cannot understand this themselves because grinding is a condition that occurs in deep sleep. Only people lying nearby can notice it. If the cause is grinding, you should use a night plate that you will wear during sleep and will be made by your dentist.

The pits at the bottom of your teeth can be restored with aesthetic fillings.

The lower jaw makes movements such as up and down, left and right thanks to our jaw joint. With a healthy joint socket and fluid, these movements take place silently. When the integrity of the joint is damaged, you start to hear noises from the joint. Damage to the joint can occur for several reasons. Highly made fillings, veneer-style restorations, long-term lack of back teeth, traumas such as blows to the jaw cause the natural integrity of the jaw joint to be disrupted and sounds to emerge. For the treatment of this, you should consult a TMJ (Tempora Mandibular Joint) Specialist.

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