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The American Orthodontic Association recommends that children be examined by an orthodontist before the age of 7 for early detection of orthodontic problems. At this time, there is a sufficient number of permanent teeth for the orthodontist to determine the presence or potential for a problem. In addition, the need for orthodontic treatment can be reduced with preventive or preventive treatments with early examination. Some orthodontic problems can be easily corrected when diagnosed early. 

The ideal age range for orthodontic treatment is 9-13 years old, which includes the growth and development period of children. With the growth that continues at these ages, it is possible to treat jaw problems, and the jaws and face can be harmonized by changing the direction of growth. In addition, healthy teeth can be moved at any age with modern mechanics used in orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment can be performed at any age when the tissues surrounding the teeth are healthy.

In a study conducted by the American Orthodontic Association, the average duration of orthodontic treatment was reported as 22 months. The duration of treatment varies between 6 months and 30 months depending on the difficulty of the problem and patient cooperation. The patient's regular follow-up appointments, the orthodontist's recommendations regarding the treatment and good oral hygiene will help the treatment to be completed on time.

It is generally recommended to avoid hard, crunchy, sticky, sugary and acidic foods. Crunchy foods such as popcorn or chips can break orthodontic appliances and prolong treatment time. Sticky foods such as chewing gum or caramel can easily stick to the brackets and cause tooth decay. It is also necessary to avoid sugary and acidic foods in order to keep our teeth healthy and strong after the braces are removed.

With the advancement of technology in orthodontics, orthodontic bands and brackets have been reduced in size and designed to be less uncomfortable for the patient. With the newly developed braces, treatment is carried out by applying light forces to the teeth, which eliminates the problems caused by heavy forces. Compared to the past, treatment time has also been shortened with new mechanics. Despite the advances in orthodontic treatment, the patient may experience pain and discomfort for a few days when the brackets are first fitted and after follow-up appointments. During this period, moderate painkillers and covering sharp corners with patient wax will help to alleviate the pain.

Once treatment is started, follow-up appointments should be made between 4-6 weeks. Follow-up appointments are of great importance for the progress of the treatment.

The most important part of the treatment is the reinforcement treatment applied after the teeth are straightened. When the brackets are removed, you will start using a removable or fixed retainer, depending on your orthodontist's preference. These appliances will help to maintain the new position of your teeth and help the muscles and tissues to adapt to this position. It is important to use the braces regularly and for the recommended periods of time in order not to change the position of your teeth.

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