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Tooth brushing should start as soon as the baby's first teeth erupt in the mouth. With the help of gauze or a finger brush, teeth should be wiped by wetting without using paste until the age of 2. Between 2 and 3 years of age, fluorine-free toothpastes should be used, and fluorine-containing toothpastes should be used from the age of 3.

Milk teeth begin to erupt in the mouth during infancy and complete their eruption at about 2 - 2.5 years of age. There are milk teeth that remain in the mouth until the age of 11 - 12 until the permanent dentition period with various intervals. Decaying deciduous teeth must be treated according to the position of the permanent tooth coming from below. Otherwise, the decay will progress, the child will feel pain, and then it will become infected, which will affect the structure of the permanent tooth coming from below.

The roots of the milk teeth begin to erode as the permanent tooth below begins to erupt. The first teeth to change are usually the front teeth in the lower jaw, the permanent teeth start to erupt from the back of the milk tooth from the tongue. It comes forward with the effect of the tongue. It shakes the milk tooth and dissolves its root; the milk tooth falls out, this is a natural process; it does not cause crowding on its own. However, if the permanent teeth are well established in the mouth and the deciduous teeth remain in the mouth without shaking, then extraction of the deciduous teeth is necessary.

The more you can protect your child from harmful external factors, the more you can prevent them from breaking a tooth. School and garden accidents happen a lot, especially in primary school, and especially the upper front teeth that have erupted in the mouth at that age are exposed to trauma. So much so that the teeth may even come out of their place in the jaw. In such a case, a dentist should be consulted immediately. The broken piece can be kept in milk.

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