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Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Digital smile design is the process of taking intraoral and extraoral photographs of the patient and taking measurements of their teeth and planning a personalized smile in a digital environment.

When designing a smile, anatomical parameters such as the patient's facial proportions, teeth size, gum levels, pupil position, nose tip, facial asymmetry, lip position, jaw closing relationships, as well as parameters that affect the patient's social life such as age, profession, and gender are taken into consideration.

The most important advantage of smile design is that the patient can see the smile specially prepared for him/her without any dental work. This session is very beneficial for both the patient and the doctor. Thanks to smile design, it is seen to what extent the patient's aesthetic expectations and anatomy match. In addition, it is seen whether this smile changes the patient's speech and the chewing function of his/her teeth.

Things to consider after smile design:

Oral Hygiene: Oral hygiene should be taken care of after treatment and regular tooth brushing habits should be maintained.

Routine Check-ups: Regular check-ups recommended by the dentist should be performed, and in case of any problems, a doctor should be consulted without delay.

Smile design is usually completed in three sessions. However, the duration may vary depending on the scope of the procedures and the patient's specific needs.

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