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Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
  • Normal and surgical extractions of teeth
  • Impacted tooth operations
  • Implant placement
  • Wisdom tooth operation
  • Reconstruction of jaw cysts and tumors operations
  • Preprosthetic surgery operations
  • Surgical treatment of maxillofacial fractures
  • Orthognathic surgery operations 
  • Operations/treatments related to the maxillofacial region such as jaw joint operations are performed.

Sinuses are the air spaces between the bones of the head.

When our teeth under our sinuses are extracted, the sinus floor sags towards the extraction cavity over time and the bone volume in this area decreases. This bone is insufficient for the implants that we want to place precisely in the bone. The surgical elevation of the sinus floor to increase the reduced bone ratio is called sinus lifting.

t takes about half an hour with local anesthesia.

After the operation, mild pain that can be relieved with painkillers may occur.

Avoid airplane travel for 2-3 weeks, avoid baths or very hot baths, do not dive, do not sneeze hard or make sure that the mouth is open when sneezing. Ice compress application should be continued for 48 hours, every 10 minutes.

In order for the graft applied to the area to become hard tissue, the area has a healing period of 5-6 months.

If there is enough bone height in the jawbone under the elevated part (minimum 3 - 5 mm) for the implants to be firmly attached to the bone, implants can also be placed in the same session.

It is a technique used in the extraction of teeth that cannot be easily seen in the mouth, broken at the gingival margin or impacted teeth. In some cases, there may be bone on the tooth that needs to be removed. The tooth to be extracted may need to be removed after being divided into sections. In this case, surgical extraction is also applied. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia as in normal extraction.

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Dentopol Oral and Dental Health Center
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