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Uzm. Dt. Melis Ünsal Çalışkaner
Dentopol Maltepe
Uzm. Dt. Melis Ünsal Çalışkaner PEDODONTIST

She was born in Kırklareli in 1992. He completed his primary and secondary education in Bolu.

She graduated from Bolu Science High School in 2010 and Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry with honors in 2018.

In 2018, he was accepted to Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry for his doctoral education, and in 2023, he successfully completed his thesis titled "Evaluation of the Attitudes and Practices of the Parents of a Group of Preschool Children Applying to Pediatric Polyclinics in Istanbul, Regarding Oral Hygiene". . (PhD) title.

She is interested in subjects such as preventive dentistry, endodontic treatments in primary and young permanent teeth, dental treatments under general anesthesia in children, dental trauma injuries and treatments, pediatric zirconia crown and stainless steel crown applications.

She participated in various certificate programs related to pediatric dentistry. He is a member of the Turkish Pedodontics Association (TPD) and the Pediatric Dentists Association. He attends national and international seminars and congresses and follows current developments closely.

At the same time, she continues the Istanbul University Child Development undergraduate program, which she started in 2018.

She speaks advanced English.

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