Dental Radiology

What is done in Dentopol Dental Radiology Clinic?
Thanks to Radiology Clinic in Dentopol we can make a diagnosis and we can plan the treatment at the first consultation.
In the Radiology Clinic, we can take detailed views of the oral and peripheral tissues and we can ensure the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment planning.
In Dentopol Radiology Clinic the following services and more are given:
- Dental X-ray
- Occlusal X-ray
- Digital Radiography
- Panoramic X-ray
- Cephalometric X-ray
- TMJ X-ray and diagnosis
- 3D (Dental Tomography)
What purpose is radiography used in dental treatment?
- To detect dental cavities
- Before and after implant and root treatments
- To identify the bone disease
- To check cyst and tumors
- Detection of tooth and jaw fracture