Information about Dental Implant

What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are artificial roots in titanium placed in the jaw with the aim of finding the function and the esthetics of the missing teeth. Dental implants offer a better chewing function and aesthetic appearance than traditional treatments.
What are Dental Implants made of?
There are 3 parts of implant.
- The artificial root placed in the jaw.
- Implant Abutment (A connector, placed on, or built into, the top of the dental implant, to connect the implant to the replacement tooth or teeth).
- Denture / Crown (A replacement tooth placed on implant)
When are Dental Implants used?
- To replace existing dentures or missing teeth but it may be necessary due to the slow but progressive resorption (dissolution) of the underlying (supporting) jawbone and to protect the adjacent teeth. No treatment process is done to the other teeth.
- If you are missing several teeth, implant-supported bridges can replace them.
- If you are missing all of your teeth, full implant treatment can replace them.
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Materials used for Implants
Titanium: a metal that is known to be compatible with body tissues and able to bond with adjacent bone during healing.
Ceramic: it offers an important and right solution in treatments of patients with a particular sensitivity.
Types of Dental Implants
Mini İmplant: Mini dental implants are half the size of traditional dental implants, about half the diameter. Dental implants are produced from non-allergic or non-toxic titanium.
Zygomatic implants: Zygomatic implants are like a traditional implant but they are inserted through the alveolar crest and maxillary sinus involving the zygomatic bone for anchorage (they are longer than a traditional implant).

Dental Implant Treatment
How do Dental Implants place?
Dental implants are a safely treatment applied under local anesthesia without any pain and discomfort.
Is Dental Implant treatment a reliable method?
Dental implants have been used in dentistry for the past 45 years. With proper planning and the collaboration of jaw surgeons expert and prosthetists, it is a very successful and long-term treatment. You can use your dental implants for a lifetime with a healthy oral care.
What should be done before and after Dental Implants treatment?
Before placing dental implant, the treatment needs to be planned using the radiographic imaging techniques of the patient to know how many dental implants should be placed in which region. Dental Implant application has very successful results with proper planning and sterile conditions, as well as the presence of an expert team. The application of the dental implant is a minor surgical operation, and on the first day the medication support provides a very comfortable recovery after the procedure. The patient should use especially the first day a cold compress and should avoid hot food and If the patient is smoking, he / she should definitely not use it in the first week.
How long does it take to place Dental Implants?
Having an implant placed is a surgical procedure, placing an implant requires 10 minutes. An implant can be placed in the mouth of a patient for 10 minutes with a proper planning. After the dental implant application, there is a waiting period for the prosthesis. To place a tooth on a dental implant placed in the jawbone and to use the implant for a lifetime, it is necessary to wait for the integration of the dental implant into the jawbone. You have to wait 2-3 months for the implant to completely integrate into the bone and be ready for the restorative portion of your treatment. After this time, the implant is stable enough to support one or more false teeth.
Dental Implants are placed using a two-stage.
1. Stage – Surgical implant application made in the 1st consultation.
2. Stage – Prosthesis on implant 2-3 months after having implant. We need 1 week for this step. That is why Dental Implants have two-step process.
Can Anyone Get Dental Implants?
Dental implantation can be done any time after the age of 18, without age limit. Certain medical conditions, such as active diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure disease, may require additional treatment before the procedure can be performed. It does not matter that you are 90 years old – 100 years old, as long as you are in chronic and general condition of health.
Is Dental Implant surgery painful?
No, it is not. With the application of cold compress after placing the implants, you can return to normal life in a few hours.
What are the advantages of Dental Implants?
Strong and stable, a dental implant restores a lost tooth so that it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth. Other options such as dentures or bridges can lead to bone deterioration, and may interfere with eating, smiling, speaking and other activities of everyday life. Implanted prostheses can offer a much more aesthetic appearance. Thanks to dental implants, the natural teeth do not need to be reduced and bridged. Fixed prosthesis on implant provides a better function than removable prosthesis.,
Can I place Implants immediately after a dental tooth extraction?
It depends on the situation of patient. If there is enough bone in the extracted area and if there is no infection, the placement of implant immediately after a dental tooth extraction is possible.
How do I care for my Dental Implants?
Caring for teeth restored with dental implants is just like caring for your natural teeth. You should brush, floss and maintain regular dental cleanings. It is also useful to follow and take an X-ray picture once every 2 years.