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At Dentopol Oral and Dental Health Center, we provide the best solutions in all branches of oral and dental health, including orthodontics, endodontics, periodontology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and pediatric dentistry, by using modern treatment methods and state-of-the-art devices.
Dentopol İmplant
Information about Dental Implant
What are Dental Implants? Dental implants are artificial roots in titanium placed in the jaw with the aim of finding the function and the esthetics of the missing teeth. Dental implants offer a bet..
Dentopol Gülüş Tasarımı
Smile Design
Smile Design offers personalized solutions according to each individual's different facial structure, lip shape and tooth structure. The balance of aesthetics and functionality can make a smile pe..
Protez Diş
Prosthetic Teeth - Aesthetic Coating
Which procedure is commonly performed in a Dentopol Prostheses clinic? At Dentopol Prosthesis Clinic, the following prosthetic applications and more are performed by Prosthesis Specialist Dentists:..
Cerrahi Klinik - Dentopol
Surgery Clinic
Which treatments are applied in Dentopol Surgery Clinic? Normal and surgical teeth extraction Embedded dental surgery Dental implant applications Wisdom tooth extraction Treatment  ..
Dentopol Pedodonti
Which treatments are applied in Dentopol Pedodontics Clinic? It is a branch of dentistry that specializes in the care of children’s teeth. Specialist dentists who have specialist certificates..
Dentopol Ortodonti
Which treatments are applied in Dentopol Orthodontics Clinic? It is a clinic where all kinds of orthodontics treatments are applied. The branch of dentistry that specializes in aligning teeth by..
Dentopol Diş Beyazlatma
Teeth whitening
Which procedure is commonly performed in a Dentopol Aesthetic clinic? Bleaching & Aesthetic Clinic offers the following treatment services and more: Zirconium Porcelain Crowns Porcelain..
Which treatment is commonly performed in a Dentopol Endodontic clinic? This clinic includes all kinds of Endodontic Practice. Endodontics is a specialty of dentistry specializing in pulp treatments..
Which treatment is commonly performed in a TMJ clinic? It is a clinic where all kinds of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders are treated. Temporomandibular joint is also known as jaw joint. TMJ..
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Google Reviews That Make You Smile
2000+ Testimonials
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Mehmet Ö*****

Their interest and concern are very nice. It's a clinic I've been going to for a long time and will continue to go.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Yakup C**

A very good and professional clinic. Fulya teacher's painless tooth extraction is admirable.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Dr. I would like to thank Mr. Gökhan and Ms. Nilay for their kindness and help, they were very caring.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Şirin M***********

I would like to thank Ercan teacher for his interest and concern. The reception reception was also very nice. I recommend it to everyone. It is a very good institution.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Aysun U***

We are pleased with the interest and service you provided, thank you. Ms. Yaren showed interest in us as befits her name, and we hope that she will continue her services.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Cafer Ö****

My treatment lasted about 2 months. I am grateful to doctor Ecem for her treatment. I also thank her assistant and the staff who applied.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Hatice K*****

Teacher Merve, I had 2 teeth extracted. They took very good care of me. I would like to thank my teacher and assistant Elif.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Furkan K****

I recommend Dentapol dental clinic to everyone. While I was waiting for my wife for my husband's procedures, we spent time in the lobby with my son. We really felt the difference of Dentapol with the smiling face, interest and help of Ms. Yaren, who worked at the information desk. Both my wife and I are very pleased with the Dentapol family.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Gülbahar C*******

I just joined the Dentopol family. I would like to thank Ms. Yaren, who welcomed us with her interest and smiling face. I would like to thank my doctor, Ms. Melis, for helping me overcome all my fears about the dentist. I would like to thank her for her professionalism, smiling face and sincerity. The Dentapol family has turned a clean slate into all the dental traumas I experienced until the age of 28. Thank you.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Doğan Ç*****

I would like to thank your doctor Mr. Ahmet Emin and his assistant Fatma Hanım for their help. Especially thanks to Mr. Emin, he performed a painless procedure. I would also like to thank Ms. Yaren, who opened my registration at the entrance and provided all kinds of support.

Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı
Dursun K**

Not 5 but 100 stars are insufficient. Endless thanks to Ms. Yaren, whose continued interest in her success is worth everything.

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Dentopol Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Digital smile design is the process of taking intraoral and extraoral photographs of the patient and taking measurements of their teeth and planning a personalized smile in a digital environment.

When designing a smile, anatomical parameters such as the patient's facial proportions, teeth size, gum levels, pupil position, nose tip, facial asymmetry, lip position, jaw closing relationships, as well as parameters that affect the patient's social life such as age, profession, and gender are taken into consideration.

The most important advantage of smile design is that the patient can see the smile specially prepared for him/her without any dental work. This session is very beneficial for both the patient and the doctor. Thanks to smile design, it is seen to what extent the patient's aesthetic expectations and anatomy match. In addition, it is seen whether this smile changes the patient's speech and the chewing function of his/her teeth.

Things to consider after smile design:

Oral Hygiene: Oral hygiene should be taken care of after treatment and regular tooth brushing habits should be maintained.

Routine Check-ups: Regular check-ups recommended by the dentist should be performed, and in case of any problems, a doctor should be consulted without delay.

Smile design is usually completed in three sessions. However, the duration may vary depending on the scope of the procedures and the patient's specific needs.

Dental implants are titanium artificial tooth roots placed in the jawbone to restore the function and aesthetics of lost teeth and provide oral rehabilitation.

Implant planning and prosthesis application can be made in accordance with many treatment options, from a single missing tooth to complete jaw edentulism. A single porcelain or zirconium crown can be placed on the implants or partial or full palatal prostheses can be applied.

Today, a wide variety of bone augmentation methods are used. These can be in the form of bone powder, artificial bone in the form of blocks or pieces, or bone supplements can be made with bones taken from the patient's own body.

There is no such thing as an expiration date for dental implants. As a general rule, the healthier your natural teeth, the better your oral hygiene and oral health, the longer your implants will stay in your mouth. In case of insufficient oral hygiene, the life of your implants will be shorter than expected.

First of all, a panoramic x-ray and, if necessary, a 3D image (Tomography) should be taken and it should be decided whether your bone is suitable for the implant. Afterwards, the most appropriate prosthetic planning can be made for you and the implants can be placed into the bone.

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